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Hot Liquid Prevention
Plastic Wrap Versus Water
Although prominent leading hospitals and medical clinics advocate for the immediate use of water for cooling burns, the evidence is in that while it may cool skin down, it can actually cause extensive damage, especially if a burn is a severe one.
Dr. Matthew Carrick, trauma medical director at Medical City Plano, in Plano, Texas, discusses what not to do if one is burned. “Don’t use ice, ice water or even cold water.” According to Dr. Carrick, severe burns shouldn’t be treated with ice or ice water because this can further damage the tissue. He also said: “Unless someone’s on fire and your only option is to drench them to put out the flames (not on grease fires), exposing an open-burn wound to water can introduce bacteria.”
Chaya Malka herself has experienced the unbelievable results from immediately using plastic wrap. “The pain went from excruciating to zero in just 10 minutes,” she said. Time after time, the pain did not return even on an open wound.
What Can Happen If Water Is Used?
Submerging a severe burn in water can cause the skin to blister.
Cold water causes blood vessels to constrict, holding in heat, the actual source of pain.
Using cold water can cause people to go into shock. That can be even worse than the burn.
Plastic wrap draws the heat out of a burn much faster than water.
So use plastic wrap instead of water! Why is plastic wrap more beneficial?
If wrapped airtight within 10 seconds, excruciating pain can be totally eliminated, trauma reduced, skin grafts and scarring prevented. This secret only works with immediate action.
Plastic wrap keeps moisture in and infection out.
Plastic wrap is 99% sterile and can be placed on open wounds.
Plastic wrap is easy to use around curved parts like fingers or arms.
In case of severe burns, plastic wrap minimizes pain by covering up exposed nerve endings.
Do not wrap the burn totally around a finger, limb or torso after the initial 10 minutes.
If the burn still hurts, use grated potatoes, honey (for 1-yr. old and up), aloe vera, lavender oil, etc.