My Neighbor, My Superhero by Sara Yoheved Rigler,, March 2011
In the middle of the night, Malka was awakened by her grandmother’s voice shouting, “Malka, Malka, I smell gas!” Malka leapt out of bed and raced to her children’s room. She smelled nothing. Then she raced toward the living room where Nana had been sleeping on the couch. She was stopped dead in her tracks by an invisible wall of gas. Somehow, she broke through it and into the living room. “Open the windows!” Nana cried frantically. Malka opened the three windows. Then she heard a loud, echoing noise. Suddenly the entire room was on fire. Malka was engulfed in flames. She ran through the conflagration, down the hallway, and into her bedroom. She dove onto her bed and rolled herself back and forth until the flames burning her body were extinguished.